I am hopelessly smitten by a few adventure ideas. They are perhaps my ultimate desires this lifetime. I feel a sudden surge of energy run through my nerves even as I write about them. This blog post is an effort to archive them:
I can imagine myself all packed and wrapped with parachute strings and tied to my partner, standing at the exit opening of an aeroplane flying above the clouds at an altitude of 16,000 feet. I am fighting against strong gusts of chilling wind while mustering up enough courage to jump for my life. I have butterflies in my stomach and can hear my heart pounding aloud. I take a glance below and what do I see? An entire blanket of beautiful white clouds, a broad macro view of landscape and water bodies. Do I really want to jump and fall? What if the parachute strings fail to open well in time? Barely am I able to pull myself out of these thoughts when I can feel a push from behind and I am tearing through the layers of thin air and clouds at a terminal velocity of 200 km/hour. Whooooooooooa ...... what fun!! I am experiencing the blissful state of weightlessness. The idea of hitting the ground to death churns my stomach and I scream for life just before the parachute strings are opened and we make a safe landing. Phew! What an adventure that was.
My parents have undertaken the holy journey to Kailash Mansarover twice their lifetime. Mount Kailash is considered to be the holy abode of Lord Shiva and Mansarover is the divine lake right below it. They have experienced both the extremes of human life experience, that is near-death as well as heavenly interventions. My parents were lucky enough to spend a night in a tent on the banks of the lake and have witnessed a few supernatural occurrences which they had shared exclusively with me. I have immense faith in Lord Shiva and HIS grace has saved me from many tough situations in life. I shall experience the peace and divinity being in such close quarters with HIM. The placid view of the clear waters and the reflection of the Kailash Parbat in the backdrop of a moon lit night with me chanting "Om Namah Shivayah" while gazing at the breath taking display of mother nature making me lose my identity. Amen!!
Oh! How I wish I could fly like a bird .... gliding effortlessly through the skies with my wings. I can feel the fresh breeze run through my face, smell the bountiful air and witnessing the beauty of landscape below. I feel so powerful being equals with the mighty peaks and valleys. I am perched over the parachute seat and firmly held by the parachute belts. I can see that raging river get humbled below crawling like a serpent ..... the dense forests crushed like a green living room carpet. I can reach out to the blue skies with my hands. I am singing aloud all my favorite tunes. I feel so omnipresent and powerful .... I am God!

Technically known as Aurora Borealis, this phenomenon has captured my wild imagination since childhood when I first read about it in an encyclopedia. The similar phenomenon occurring at the Southern Hemisphere is called Aurora Australis. It is marked by fluorescent coloured clouds, arcs or streaky patterns all across the night sky restricted only to the Northern Hemisphere of the earth. It can be viewed best from all the Scandinavian countries and some parts of Northern Canada in the winters. A lot of scientific explanation is available all over internet which can leave one confused. In my little knowledge, auroral displays are associated with Solar Winds interacting with the Earth's Magnetic Field. The former is a result of Solar Flares(violent eruptions on Sun's surface) generating charged particles and molecules into the space reaching getting attracted to the Earth's Magnetic Field thereby releasing energy in the form of auroras. It also results in sharp variations in the earth's magnetic field (maximum at poles and minimum at equator) causing Magnetic Storms. During these storms, the auroras may shift from polar regions to the equator creating an illusion of multi-coloured traveling clouds.
Anyway, not going much into the scientific reasons let me come directly to the point.
It is awesome to witness this occurrence and I wish to chase the auroras right till it ends while it travels during Magnetic Storms. The chase can be very challenging as it requires one to trek endlessly in tough climatic conditions. But, the experience is worth the effort.
Imagine the dark night sky turn into a deceiving day skyline with beautiful patterns all over creating a heavenly panoramic view. I would lose myself into this divine sight.
If only ............