Life is tough these days ....
All the domestic pleasures that I had been addicted to over the last few months terminated abruptly. My daytime help who assisted in babysitting, cooking, washing and cleaning went on annual leave .... my regular cleaning maid who mopped, swept and washed dishes left as she had a land dispute to resolve back at her village. The much awaited visit of my parents-in-law coincided with this sudden lack of resources and the weather turned chillier than ever before freezing my hands when working and making it nearly impossible for me to wake up early in the mornings. All at one go!
And then, there was this three year old addiction of Internet .... FB gossips, Website Management, Chats and Blogging which suffered a severe setback for almost a week!
So, today I decided to fight my depression against all odds. I literally squeezed out time and drove myself relentlessly to work on this laptop .... I updated myself on FB visiting many friend profiles, worked on freelunch.in for an hour, chat with all my best pals for one more and wrote this blog late at night in between doing the dishes, cooking, babysitting, cleaning and washing. My back hurt big time but was negated by the sheer sense of confidence and satisfaction of having been able to use my mind constructively which was missing in the last one week.
I wonder why Sir Isaac Newton came to my mind a few moments back while peeling an apple for K~. Suddenly, I felt that the Newton's Laws of Motion truly summarize my state of affairs and here is my adapted version of it .....
Newton's First Law of Motion
"I shall continue to remain in a state of depressing Rest or domesticated Uniform Motion unless an external positive Force is applied on me."
How true! I had to force myself mentally and physically to actually think on blogs, website database and net socialising. My mind would refuse to think and body would yearn to sleep in the warmth of a soft quilt. I would keep getting distracted by K~'s justified nagging to the tune of 6-7 toilet calls, 4-5 hunger calls and endless playing requests which I had to attend to while reacting to an irritating whistle of the pressure cooker.
Newton's Second Law of Motion
"This positive Force applied to move me in the right direction is directly proportional to my Mind Mass and Acceleration."
This positive Force makes me work in the right direction. The Mind is better off without any Mass which is defined by my emotional baggage of increased workload and notions! My mental pace aka Acceleration in the right direction slows down if I let my Mind Mass go heavy. So, to make sure I accelerate well with a constant minimum Force I have to keep myself light on my thoughts sans any anger or negative feelings.
Newton's Third Law of Motion
"For every positive action of mine there is an equal and opposite negative reaction."
There was this terrible back pain I suffered by the end of the day. And while chatting with one of my best pals, I had a terrible spat which kept me mentally disturbed for a good two hours. I could not take my bath till late in the evening and my curry paste burnt thanks to my pre-occupied state of mind! So, there were enough negative reactions to my positive self-improvement efforts.
Nevertheless, I would really like to thank Newton for making my mind work overtime and supporting my insane theories on human mind. I better get some sleep now before this almost crazy blog post gets any goofier!
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