Mhara Re Giridhar Gopal, Doosra Na Koya.
Mhara Re Giridhar Gopal, Doosra Na Koya.
Sadhu Sakal Lok Chhodya, Doosra Na Koya.
Mhara Re ....
Mhara Re Giridhar Gopal, Doosra Na Koya.
Sadhu Sakal Lok Chhodya, Doosra Na Koya.
Mhara Re ....
Bhai Chhadya, Bandhu Chhadya, Chhadya Saga Soya,
Sadhu Sang Baith Baith Lok-Laaj Khoya.
Mhara Re ....
Sadhu Sang Baith Baith Lok-Laaj Khoya.
Mhara Re ....
Bhagat Dekhya Raaji Hoya, Lagat Dekh Roya,
Doodh Math Ghrit Kaadh Layo, Daar Gaya Chhoya.
Mhara Re ....
Doodh Math Ghrit Kaadh Layo, Daar Gaya Chhoya.
Mhara Re ....
(Below is the link to this soulful bhajan which I listen to quite often:
The above lines carry the essence of true devotion for Lord Krishna which made Meera Bai immortal on earth and worthy of heaven.
In the first stanza, she wants to express her utter grief over being grossly misunderstood by each one around her. She detaches herself from her siblings, friends, family and relatives to find solace amidst sadhus or the true devotees of God only to be mocked and defamed by fellow beings. She then lead a life of self-imposed exile to devote herself completely to her Lord Krishna, singing, dancing and offering prayers to Him. She also referred to Lord Krishna as her divine husband and faced the wrath of her family and society when she expressed her inability to accept Rana ji as her mortal husband.
The second stanza is laced with hope and happiness unlike the first one, where she says that the sight of an innocent devotee pleases her whereas the company of hollow materialistic beings hurt her very soul. She has churned the butter from milk and discarded the rest - The essence of love has been taken and the rest has been thrown away. What a worthy example and simple way of saying that she has felt the highest form of love for her Giridhar where the immortal souls merged leaving the casual bodies and mind behind. It is the soul that shall exist till eternity when the rest elements of body, mind, intellect and heart will attain new identities with each new human birth.
Meera Bai was a highly elevated divine person with a unique approach towards attaining the Supreme. It was the path of love she chose over the most commonly preferred means like meditation, fasting and knowledge. It requires maturity and deep understanding, perhaps beyond mortal comprehension to truly experience the gist of her love for Krishna.
What was the sole cause for her undying love for the Divine?
How was she able to break free from the pulls of Maya just on the basis of this divine love?
How was she able to experience the highest state of Bliss through a mute statue of Krishna?
How did her soul overpower her mental, physical and emotional needs?
I have found myself pondering over these questions quite often! I have always been enticed by the manifestation of God through human emotions and Meera Bai is the most convincing example of the same. I have tried to write about it in one of my earlier posts which can be read at http://fairytalesandbedtimestories.blogspot.com/2009/09/about-god.html
Anyway, coming back to the questions mentioned above .....
I feel all paths seeking HIM have one thing in common apart from the destination itself - losing the Ego. In my personal opinion, the ego comprises of our earthly identity, our perceptions, pride and physical body. One of the first steps that any Yogi takes towards finding God is to dissolve this Ego. Whereas, when we as humans experience True Love, this happens automatically! We lose our identity and find ourselves one with the Beloved. Thereon, nothing seems to affect the mind or body .... no pain, pleasure, sorrow, disappointment, desire or even fear. Mere humans achieve the highest state of Detachment that even the toughest of Yogis yearn for! When the Ego ceases to be, all physical and emotional needs die their natural death.
In my little understanding, perhaps, this is what Meera could have experienced. She was able to reach God through the very human emotions of unconditional love and undying devotion. It did not affect Meera Bai that her love for a seemingly lifeless statue, whom she fondly referred to as her Only Husband could not respond to her prayers of love, appreciate her holy dance offerings nor consummate the divine union physically .... for such expressions become meaningless when their ultimate purpose is achieved beforehand, and that is Union of the Souls!
She was able to attain the divine, living in this very human world, performing all worldly duties of a wife, daughter-in-law and a rajput queen! She was a true queen of the masses and rules our hearts and minds to this day.
Who ever said that the human emotions are obstacles to divine goals?
I differ from you - meera never had any physical and emotional needs in the first place. so, what are you talking about her soul overpowering them? meera bai and similar characetrs like kabir, soor das etc. are God themselves and should not be compared to humans.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment Mr/Ms. Anonymous.
ReplyDeleteI give you the benefit of doubt and agree with your views about Meera Bai and likewise Sant Kabir, Soor Das not having any emotional or physical needs whatsoever. Now, think backwards .... Then, what is their purpose to take birth on earth as a human being?
Is it not to inspire us to follow them and place blind faith in the possibility of attaining God through a simple human emotion of love? If it lies in the benefit of mankind to trust that Meera Bai was a human being with all possible human needs like mental, physical or emotional .... yet she was able to overcome them with her soul to reach heaven ... SO BE IT!