For K~ and 'Tiny'... my lovable, loved and loving daughters. A compilation of their reactions and perceptions. A record of their mis/adventures that may tickle and help them laugh aloud...for the years to come. Also, a platform where I can discover and nourish my creative elements!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
K~ and a small prayer
For our lovely home where we all live and laugh together.
For the cool, comfortable air-conditioned nights this summer.
For the hot water, sweaters, shawls and quilts last winter.
For the delicious and wholesome food we eat every day.
For the healthy body and sound mind to appreciate all the above.
For the memorable vacations and travel we made hand in hand.
For Papa who made the “Barbie” sandwich this morning for breakfast.
For Papa who stands like a tough wall hedging us against the big bad world and the inconstant time.
For Papa who endowed us these years of togetherness and learning while earning the daily bread.
For Papa letting us preserve our innocence and hearty giggles by bearing all the worries and frowns himself.
For Papa helping us treasure the purity of our soul, spirit and zeal by pirating and shelling his own.
For Papa who is awake scheming money and security for our future while we cosy up and sleep peacefully.
For Dadu, Baba and Dadi who shower their unconditional affection and blessings on us.
For Bua, Phupha, Maashi and Mesho who bring all their love and goodies that we relish for long.
For all the worthy toys and puzzles that accelerate our development and growth.
For the enduring and diligent teachers who groom us for the future at our cherished school.
For all our true friends and life mates who are the real anchors of our vast, berserk lives.
For the daily HAPPINESS that exists in the form of flowers, rain, grass and sunshine.
Thank You, Dear GOD,
Could not have asked for more ………
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The ‘Evening Walk’ Musing
I begin my walk at 6 pm.
The sky is dusky and the air, pleasant! I am about to see some people. I meet them every evening. But, we have never spoken. They are anonymous. Silently, I have titled them with special names that seem to rhyme with their disposition.
Aha! Hello Ms. Rhea. You must be in your late thirties, I guess. You look perfect from head to toe - the streaked bouncy hair and smooth cheeks give you a fresh salon look. The branded jogging shorts coupled with your bra sports top accentuate your sleek body. Your waxed legs perfectly justify those expensive sports shoes. You just might give the budding models a run for their money.
Pray, why don’t you ever respond to the main gate security guard who salutes us with such fervour, “Good Ebheening, Madam ji”? You also seem to look through me, choosing to ignore my smiles. I try hard to look beyond your well-kept fringe...don’t seem to reach anywhere! I also wish to see the family, your kids and husband – who are never seen around you... even on weekends.
Bye, Madame Rhea, for now.
Who do I stumble upon next? Well. Here comes this small group of lively male senior citizens. Greetings of the day to you all! Awasthi Uncle, Gupta Uncle, Sehgal Uncle. What do I see? Loud bouts of laughter and a slow contended walk. Hmm! What a relief it is indeed to have completed all duties in life. Are the kids settled well? And, is your sugar and blood pressure under control? Weren’t the tax savings great this year? I know it is quite enjoyable to have a good time reading the daily newspaper, watching the daily soap and eyeing the daily share trading trends. And, of course, bird-watching Madame Rhea among others! Your old yet hungry eyes share some mischievous glances with each other each time she rushes past you.
But wait! Why have you left Awasthi Auntie, Gupta Auntie and Sehgal Auntie behind? Remember those long years when she took such good care of you and the children? Did you ask her a cup of tea this morning?
Take care, till we meet again!
There! Now, I spot Awasthi Auntie, Gupta Auntie and Sehgal Auntie amid many more Aunties. They are doing something sitting quietly in a circle. Shhh! You all are meditating. I hope my presence didn’t disturb you. And what is that young lady in a white sari talking about? Spirituality, I see. She’s teaching how to detach oneself from worldly affairs, increase self-realisation through prayers that calm the mind and soul. You have lived a good and comfortable life. Haven't you? Now, you are looking for a higher self-existence, I guess. Or is it some kind of vacuum that pushes you to seek happiness and peace here. How are the kids? Did they call you this weekend?
The devotional songs sung by you are so soothing. Please carry on.
Good gracious! Another set of Aunties, angry ones this time. Why do you sound so bitter? Aha! I know. The maid missed work today or was it your son’s wife who put too much salt in the curry? Your boys are such perfect men. They deserve perfect wives. But, your daughter-in-law is so full of venom to complain everyday about the mundane life to her husband. After all, you can rightfully get all cooking, washing and cleaning done by her. You have done the same in your heydays. Now, dare she rebel! Listen carefully to Dutta Auntie. She has quite a few tips to share on taming bahus. What? She was crying over the phone today while talking to her parents? That was so wicked of her. Don't worry. She cannot flee and will continue to serve you as long as you want.
But, where is she? I have never seen her come out for fresh air!
Who do I meet next?
Hi Diya! I hope your board exams went off well. You turn slim and shapely with each passing day. Not surprising though. You go for endless ‘walks and talks’. You also miss those high calorie ice-creams that your friends eat at the corner shop. But, why do you blush red and pink as you chat endlessly over your mobile phone? Are you talking with your first boyfriend? Or, is it a crush? You want to tell him all about what happened with you today and how you kept missing him terribly. What innocent talks and giggles! Enjoy these first flushes of teen hormones and romance as long as they last. Sheer Bliss! But, please don’t lose the loving connect with your parents as well.
Be Happy! Bye bye.
Here comes the best part of my walk. Good evening to all you kids at the park.
Muaah! Pucch!!
Your joyful cries and happy shrieks can be heard from far. You make your surroundings so joyful infecting everyone with a carefree spirit and an infectious laughter. There goes the swing, up and down, down and up, with your long queue waiting for turns. A swing is the most disputed park equipment. You all want it, and all the time. And then, there are the noisy hinges of see-saw that screech as you scream. What fun to see you little apes climb up and down the monkey ladder. Wow! The sand castles strewn all over the sand play area look so delightful.
God bless you all, my darlings!
Phew! I feel tired. What is the time now? Almost quarter to seven...time for me to return home.
Kriti must be getting restless, considering that she doesn’t allow me to go out of sight even for a minute. But, she better get used to my evening walks. I love snatching these few moments of relaxation and imagination. After all, how much is an hour out of twenty four? Come on, be reasonable, my dear girl.
As I walk hurriedly towards home, there is a sudden flow of energy and joy surging through my blood.
I am coming home Kriti. We will play the best game, eat the best dinner and read the best bedtime story together!
I really love you so much. I am because you are.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
K~ - Gender Bias ..... "I anyways anyways don't like the boys".
I feel it is rooted partially in her childhood. To add to it is the fact that she is too high on EQ (Emotional Quotient), perhaps way too high that could be termed as fine or correct for her age. This analysis has nothing to do with the fact that I am her parent, or owing to the specialness she holds for me but this statement is collectively based on the feedback of various teachers over the last three years coupled with her behaviour trends towards all.
K~ was born under special circumstances when I lost my dear Maa in a tragic road accident, pregnant with K~ over eight months ..... considered to be quite an advanced stage of pregnancy. You can guess what hell must have followed and to make matters worse my father and sister both were hospitalised following the same accident. They had their backbone fractured in the horrible mishap. I was scattered in my mind, broken in my heart, numb in my soul and relentless towards my body when taking care of the last rites and commuting with food everyday to the hospital to take care of my ailing family. S+, my husband took care of the general FIR, post mortem reports, insurance, banks etc. etc. Although he was by my side all this while, I can cross my heart and say that I neglected myself physically and was in a perpetual state of mourning 24X7. In the middle of the night, I would wake up and open my mother's almirah to smell her clothes and squat down over the floor staring into blankness. There were her shoes, purse, notes and musical instruments all over the house and I would keep grieving silently all the time. I guess it must have affected the K~ inside me, almost ready to be born.
Presently, she gets impacted tremendously both negatively and positively which stays inside her for a long, long time. (I assume that is also where her introvert attitude stems from; Or she could have taken to her Mumma who is not really a great outgoing, heavily social person. But, I am fine with it owing to the fact that all types of people exist in this world and all of them stay happy and do well. )
Anyway, coming back to the causes of K~ 's gender bias, there could be a few probable reasons which led to this behaviour. Let me list them all :
1. The little boys who played pranks on K~ by pulling her hair, pushing her off the swing, scratching her cheeks and the worst of all, threw stones at her once when she was a toddler. I have never believed in protecting K~ from any outside threat unless it was life threatening. So, I just allowed it to happen and let K~ develop her own defence mechanism ...... which has always been fleeing towards the safe arms of Mumma .... Ha!
2. She has tried to connect with little boys innumerable times, by inviting them to play with her puzzles, dolls and pretend friends. Alas! Guns and cars were the only things that fancied them and they would keep toppling over her doll house arrangement and completed puzzles leaving her in a state of utter shock and dismay.
3. K~ since her infant days has been comforted by Mumma. There have been innumerable nights (Well! almost six months non-stop) when I have stayed awake feeding and playing with her from midnight till wee hours of the morning. I had tried to make it a pleasant experience for her by playing on some soft music and rattles for her. In the silence of the night, she has experienced a deep connect with me ..... hearing a motherly soft voice and feeling the softness ...... K~ related feminine voices with love and affection instantly made obvious by her preference for Dadi over Baba, Bua over Phupha, Maashi over Mesho and the most painful of all .... Mumma over Papa. Papa was available to her only in the evenings or weekends ..... again someone has to do the bread winning ..... right?
All the above led to K~ getting opinionated against the boys ......
But, I am sure she will get over it soon. She would be speaking and sitting with boys too in her class instead of clinging on to her three girl classmates. She would walk up to them fearlessly and bash them up if they do any wrong to her ..... till then my baby belongs to the Mahila Mukti Aandolan.
Way to go K~ ........ boys aren't so bad ....... trust me ........ you just have to find the right one!!!!!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Horlicks Cake!!
Beat the eggs, sugar and butter together with a whisker. The idea is to aerate the mixture as much as possible so that it becomes light and fluffy. Since we are not using any baking powder later, it become important to do this bit thoroughly.
Sift the flour through a fine sieve and fold in the flour into the above mixture slowly.
Mix in the chocolate horlicks powder into it along with a few drops of vanilla essence.
खडे हैं हकीकत-ऐ-आईने के सामने,
खुद से वाकिफ होने को आज.
अब्र अबरार को तरसता, दरिया रास्ता ढूंढती है.
शबनम सहर को चीखती तो बूँद समंदर- जुदा होती है आज.
करार-ऐ-ज़िन्दगी में इतनी बेकरारी क्यूँ?
सुकून-ऐ-मोहब्बत में यह तन्हाई कैसी है आज?
इन सबकी वजह पूछते हैं हम?
आईने से ख़ाक हटी तब नज़र आया है आज,
या मौला! ज़िन्दगी हमने यूँ ही गँवा दी थी.
बढ़ते रहे कदम जिस तरफ, वो तो हासिल-ऐ-मंजिल थी.
वक़्त कम है बहुत, जीना है फिर एक बार,
खुदा ताकत दे हमें, ख़्वाबों को हकीकत बनाना है आज.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Classification of Bloggers
Bloggers can be classified into the following 5 types:
The feature that sets this kind of blogger apart is his frequency of posting blogs. He would be manufacturing blogs at an unbelievable pace almost every morning, afternoon and night ............ All of a sudden, his extremely well written and formatted comments would be visible all over the well established GENUINE blogs with the hope of diverting those readers into his own recent blog through his blog profile. He would tirelessly choke the mailboxes of his close friends and acquaintance through sending his blog detail everyday and very cleverly adding his blog link at the end of his email signatures - both personal and professional. He tries to write very passionately about everything under the sun to attract all kind of blog readers acting like a broad spectrum medicine dose killing many diseases at one go.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Addition and Subtraction
Mumma :: "So, K~. If you add this square to the left window, how will it look?"
K~ :: "Mumma, how do I use my fingers?"
Mumma :: "Addition does not mean that you keep using your fingers all the time. It means logically counting two things together. Do cheezon ko milaana ..... "
K~ :: "Matlab, mujhe iss window ke saath iss chotu square ko milaana hai?" (Refer to picture 1 - "Add")
Mumma :: "Haan."
K~ was finally able to do it. The subtraction was difficult initially (infact she got the first one wrong - refer to picture 2 - "Subtract").
The above exercise set me thinking ...... my girl was doing subtraction and addition error-free, but only on her fingers, just the way I taught her. Pity! that I never went around explaining her why do we do it? How will she use it use it in her real life. I immediately went to the garden, plucked a flower from a plant with 4 flowers and asked her "K~, what is 4-1=?" and pat came the reply - "3". Opened the pack of 10 biscuits, made her eat 4, asked for the balance, and there was my baby, replying with complete understanding. I wish I could express the excitement in her eyes through words.
Starting now, I have decided that before I begin with any teaching, I will first make her understand the application of it in our lives.
I continued ......
Mumma :: "K~, why do we write alphabets?"
K~ :: "Ummmm....."
Mumma :: "So that we can write things like books, letters which help us to tell others what we are thinking. So that you can know about interesting places without visiting them. So that we can make babies learn when they grow up...."
K~ :: "And also because we can read poems ..... hai na?"
Mumma :: "Right."
We discussed at length about the real reason behind learning things together like colours, stories, puzzles etc. etc.
We in India take pride in being the best brains in the world. We make our children write at age 3 when the rest of the world does not allow kids to hold the pencil before age 5. We are done with Differential and Integral Calculus in Std.XII, whereas it should be a Masters subject. We force our children to take up Maths, Biology or Commerce even if her heart is in Fine Arts. Thousands of Civil Engineers pass out each year from premier Engineering colleges and not one perfect highway in our country! Hundreds of MBAs are churned out by the best B-schools walking away with a jaw-dropping moolah, none of them actually knowing how to manage their own lives! Civil servants, the self-proclaimed creme-de-la-creme of the society supposedly work for their country without making an iota of difference in the life of even one citizen of the country, leave aside the nation at large.
It is because our fundamentals of education are RIGHT ..... but INCOMPLETE.
K~, this is for you ...........
Today, I want you to know that I do not expect you to become anything great in life. You do not have to do BIG things in life, but do SMALL things in a BIG way! I set you free from any of the parental ambitions or aspirations. I have not been a great academician or scholar myself and I do not expect you to do that bit for me. I will not entertain anybody who will come enquiring about your marks in the final examination followed by an unsolicited remark - whether good or bad with you listening from behind the doors. I refuse to DECIDE for what is best for you and your future. The very fact that I gave birth to you makes you special. You do not have to prove worthy of it.
Go my precious ..... follow your heart, chase your dreams! Discover your true passion. I am here to shield you from the rest of the society!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
K~ ..... Purchase Requisition & Discard
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Dadu and Chukchuki
K~ .... The Human body .... Unexplained
As a parent, I have been deeply influenced by the thoughts of the great educator, A.S. Neill, Founder of Summerhill School. If I were to sum up his philosophy of raising kids, it would be as simple as "A child's education should not hamper her growth." He has touched upon all subjects related to child development ranging from Food, Hygiene, Habits, Books, Manners, Masturbation, Sex, GOD................ in a book titled "Summer hill", read by me over ten times to hardwire my parental faculties as per his thoughts. For the interested lot, here is a link -
Coming back to K~ and her mis/adventures, mis/interpretations about the human body:
K~ at one year
K~ at three and half years
K~ at five years
Well, this time Mumma faints!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Little Mermaid

Me :: "Betu, Mumma is very tired. She has to wake up very early tomorrow."
("Huhh!" , "Uff!" - series of sighing and hissing followed by even worse, unending tossing and turning on the bed by K~)
Finally, K~ won. I switched on the reading lights again and asked her to choose a story she would like me to read aloud. Dart !! ........ she went to her storybook drawer and got a bedtime book.
It was "The Little Mermaid" ......... a story which had tears rolling down my eyes each time I read it with my heart and soul. An eternal story of true love and sacrifice. A quick recap of the story for the disconnected-from-childhood ones:
This love story is about a fifteen-year old mermaid princess - "Ariel" who falls in love with a human prince - "Eric", after rescuing him from clutches of a sea strom into the safe shores leaving him unconscious and unaware about it. Her undying love for him forces her to buy a magic potion made by Ursula, the sea-witch, which would transform her into a human princess. Alas! She paid a very heavy price for it through losing her voice to the sea-witch who also forewarned about her death if "Eric" married any princess other than her.
The next morning, the kind prince "Eric" carried the human princess transformed "Ariel" to his royal palace. "Ariel" was shocked to witness the wedding preparations of the prince to another princess. She was too late. She could not communicate her love for him or the sea-witch's spell on her and cried aloud on the sea-shore feeling lonely without her family, to whom she could never return. Suddenly, her sisters appeared from the sea with a dagger given by Ursula, the sea-witch. "Pierce this dagger into the prince' heart and you would get your voice and mermaid body back. Come back, "Ariel"and live happily with us!", said one of them.
"Ariel" could not kill the prince, even if that meant dying herself. She threw the dagger back into the sea and went back to see "Eric", still happy and unaware of the love "Ariel" preserved for him. She gave him one last kiss and plunged into the ocean, rose higher and higher into the sky to be a fairy. There was a heavenly voice which said " You are one of us now. Come with us. with your good deeds you have earned an immortal soul."
"The End!" I said to K~, who was still into the book as if she never wanted to come out of it. She looked beautiful in the soft reading light cosying up to me in the same blanket.
"But, Mumma.", she mumbled, "Did "Ariel" die, you mean?"
The rest of the conversation was as follows:
Mumma - " Yes! K~, the mermaid princess died. She died so that the prince could live happily."
K~ - "Not a good story. The prince was bad because he did not marry her."
Mumma - "But K~, how could she have possibly told the prince about her love. She lost her voice to Ursula, the witch and the prince was unconscious when "Ariel" had saved her."
K~ - " But, he should have known. Bad Prince."
Mumma - "K~, the prince was not bad. Ursula, the witch was bad. Why did she have to take "Ariel's" voice in return of the magic potion. Had she not done it, "Ariel" could have easily told the prince about her love for him. Don't I keep telling you, my precious K~, that I love you so much?"
K~ - "Mumma, even if you stop telling me, I will always know how much you love me."
I was silenced for ever. K~ had won, yet again.
"Night-night, K~.", I replied, so touched by her words, almost choking with tears. She cuddled up to me and went off to sleep peacefully. I got up a few minutes later and wrote the following lines.........
How could you miss the love in her eyes?
Still watching you from above the skies.
Why could you not hear her heart?
Which had the power to tear the sea apart.
She, all but fifteen, lived for you, and died for you.
Wake up, Prince! Feel her love, so pure and true.
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