Saturday, May 9, 2009

Horlicks Cake!!

K~ is very fond of eating cakes. But, the thought of preservatives and baking chemicals mixed into it puts me off!
I discovered how to make this healthy cake with wholewheat flour and horlicks minus the baking powder and K~ simply loves to gorge upon it.
Q- Why do I need to blog it?
A- So that K~ can make it for her own kid in future, if I am not around to share it with her.


Eggs - 3 Nos.
Sugar - 1.5 teacup
Butter - 1.5 teacup
Wholewheat Flour - 1 teacup
Chocolate horlicks - 1/2 teacup
Vanilla Essence - few drops


Beat the eggs, sugar and butter together with a whisker. The idea is to aerate the mixture as much as possible so that it becomes light and fluffy. Since we are not using any baking powder later, it become important to do this bit thoroughly.

Sift the flour through a fine sieve and fold in the flour into the above mixture slowly.

Mix in the chocolate horlicks powder into it along with a few drops of vanilla essence.

Bake it like any other cake or cook it in microwave for 5 minutes in an oil/flour coated dish or on a layer of butter paper.
Take it out on a plate after it cools down.

1 comment:

  1. I have heard about this one from Bua....and she told u make it in a jiffy :)


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